Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween was fun this year. Hannah was Snow White and Jacob was Superman. We took them around to all of the local family and then to a few neighbors around us...still came home with a lot of goodies. Here are some pictures.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Jacob's 2nd Birthday

Jacob turned 2 on September 24th, how the year flew! We had two birthday parties for him. He really was not interested and didn't have any interest in opening up gifts. He did want to play with his new toys though. Jacob even fell asleep during his birthday party while eating doritos. He was so cute! Jacob is a very cute and sweet boy, but boy does he have a temper on him. Here are some cute pictures from his birthday parties.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cute pictures

Here are some random cute pictures taken recently!


Apple Picking 2009

We decided to go to Curtis Orchard to pick some fresh apples. Hannah enjoyed picking the apples and Jake enjoyed sitting in the wagon watching!


Here are few picutres of the Gillham/Frank kids.

Hannah's first day of preschool

Hannah began preschool again this fall, what a difference. She rode the bus to school and back to maw maw's. She was hesitant, but did it with no tears! She is such a big girl!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Los Angeles, CA

We went to Los Angeles, CA for week. I had to go for a work conference, so we decided to all go and do a little sight seeing when there was free time. It was a very interesting trip. LA is not my favorite city. From a change of hotel to traffic heading into LA it was interesting. We were able to visit the Zoo, Santa Monica Pier. Hannah went on a couple of rides on the Carousel and loved it. We went on a trip down Hollywood and saw the Stars. We also had ice cream at the Disney Soda Shop. We were supposed to have dinner with one of Jason's friends, but that ended up not working out.

Overall it was a good trip, a little much for Hannah and Jacob since they were so young. We had a pool at the hotel where we stayed, but it was a little too cool to swim. We stayed very very close to the airport to the point we could see a runway out the window. This was enjoyable for Hannah because she was able to see the plans land.

Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hannah's first day of school!!

Hannah began her first day of preschool yesterday. I drove her to school, stayed for a little while and then left and picked her back up. Hannah did very well. She had a lot of fun and she even said she didn't cry when I picked her up. Today she took the bus to school. I was very nervous about this and hoped that she would do well. She did, I did not. I walked her up the steps, they told me I could not get on the bus, so I took a picture and got off. They put her in a car seat and drove off...boy was that tough. I came home and called school when I thought she might be there to check on her. She was there with Mrs. T. in the library have a good time, and she was fine. I am going to meet her at the bus when she is done with school, get some pictures and then go to work. We will see what she has to say! Here are some pictures of the first two days of school.

Monday, March 30, 2009

They are growing too quickly.

Hannah turned 3 on March 21st and Jacob turned 18 months on March 24th. We were off to Sears for pictures. Boy was it a test to my patience. Jacob didn't want to sit still. Thankfully we were able to get some good ones. Hannah did well this time, she loves pictures. Hannah is having 2 parties this year and the theme is Dora the Explorer. First party is this weekend, 2nd party is the Saturday before Easter. Jacob goes to his well baby visit tomorrow. He has been sick with a fever for the last 3 days. Hopefully they can shed light on when he might get better. Our household has been sick since last Tuesday, no fun!! Hannah is going to start going to preschool next week at MiddleTown here in Mahomet. This is where she will go to Kindergarten. I am not ready, but ready or not she is starting. We have bought her a Strawberry Shortcake backpack for school and have been talking to her about it so get her ready. She will even get to ride a bus to and from school. They will pick her up at my moms and drop her back off. We are not sure if she will go in the morning or afternoon yet. Hard to believe. Here are some pictures:
