Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hannah's first day of school!!

Hannah began her first day of preschool yesterday. I drove her to school, stayed for a little while and then left and picked her back up. Hannah did very well. She had a lot of fun and she even said she didn't cry when I picked her up. Today she took the bus to school. I was very nervous about this and hoped that she would do well. She did, I did not. I walked her up the steps, they told me I could not get on the bus, so I took a picture and got off. They put her in a car seat and drove off...boy was that tough. I came home and called school when I thought she might be there to check on her. She was there with Mrs. T. in the library have a good time, and she was fine. I am going to meet her at the bus when she is done with school, get some pictures and then go to work. We will see what she has to say! Here are some pictures of the first two days of school.

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