Monday, July 20, 2009

Los Angeles, CA

We went to Los Angeles, CA for week. I had to go for a work conference, so we decided to all go and do a little sight seeing when there was free time. It was a very interesting trip. LA is not my favorite city. From a change of hotel to traffic heading into LA it was interesting. We were able to visit the Zoo, Santa Monica Pier. Hannah went on a couple of rides on the Carousel and loved it. We went on a trip down Hollywood and saw the Stars. We also had ice cream at the Disney Soda Shop. We were supposed to have dinner with one of Jason's friends, but that ended up not working out.

Overall it was a good trip, a little much for Hannah and Jacob since they were so young. We had a pool at the hotel where we stayed, but it was a little too cool to swim. We stayed very very close to the airport to the point we could see a runway out the window. This was enjoyable for Hannah because she was able to see the plans land.

Here are some pictures.

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